Wednesday, June 10, 2009

One of the Following Branches

Well, I never really thought of myself as a follower in this world, except for my following of Christ and those I follow on twitter (which I suck at updating). Recently however, quite a few of my friends have started up these things called "blogs". Due to their creativity, opinions, eagerness to share, and sometimes fantastic ideas, I thought that I would do the same and create a blog. So, I guess that makes me a follower. 

Yup, I am letting others lead me into this trend, except for less people will read what I have to say, and probably more people will disagree with what I have to say. 

I tried to come up with a neat name for the blog, and I stuck with "One of the Branches" because thats what I see myself as. One of many branches that are attached to the vine that are tended to by the gardener. So I see myself as part of a greater plant or "organism" if you will that is cared for by some green thumbed gardener.

So Branches tend to have fruit, flowers, buds, or nests on them and maybe the occasional bee ready to sting. Myself as a branch will probably have moments of all of these things as I spit out what I am learning and thinking through as part of the greater vine and as my gardener prunes, feeds, and cares for me. 

Please give your opinions...fight me...argue with me...agree...whatever your heart desires.