I do not want this Jesus who wants you to get rich...
I do not want this Jesus who shows up at weddings and parties and tells you how wrong you are for drinking, dancing and having fun...
I do not want this Jesus who only hangs out with the popular people with lots of money, power, big houses and cars...
I do not want this Jesus who requires me to show up at a building once a week for the rest of my life so I get to go sing for the rest of eternity...
I do not want this Jesus who is white, with perfectly white glowing robes, and perfectly long brown hair and tidy looking sandals, and makes racist jokes against others because they are different than him (but they aren't really racist, just jokes)...
I do not want this Jesus who sucks the life out of life itself...
I do not want your Jesus...
...I want a Jesus who believes in justice.
...I want a Jesus who loves people regardless if they are rich, poor, fat, skinny, brown, white, popular, loners, gay, straight, young or old.
...I want a Jesus who took a stand against religious leaders all in the name of love and bringing his father glory.
...I want a Jesus who is rough, and hangs out with those who have no friends, and judges not those different from him.
...I want a Jesus who loves me for who I am, and then calls me to love others and BE a change in the world.
...I want a Jesus who gives life, and celebrates life to the full, in a fun and contagious fashion.
...I want Jesus...
...raw, untamed, rebellious, loving...
...NOT the swedish looking Jesus on your wall with everything all together smiling on you for your lifestyle and popularity, but the Jesus I've read so much about who is different and involved and in relationship with people, who calls us to so much more.
spread the gospel. i knew i liked you.