Today I went out out to do some shopping for Christmas hampers. Sheryl, Cam,and I each with our own carts (I love pushing carts btw). The carts were overflowing with items.
My cart mostly contained one thing...well actually 27 of one thing.
My cart contained 27 9lb boxes of Christmas oranges.
It was actually hard to steer the cart because there were boxes on top of boxes on top of boxes on top of boxes of oranges. I hit a few corners and barely missed ripping Cam's ankles off with the cart. Since we picked up the oranges first, I followed the other two as we gathered the rest of the supplies. I had fun... especially gauging the reactions from the various people that walked by my wheeled mountain of citrus.
I noticed three kinds of people...
people 1: those who were curious and funny. These people said things like "you must really love oranges" or the occasional "HOLY @$%#! OMG! OMG!" I laughed at the jokes and the double takes, and tried without succeeding to out humor people.
people 2: those who wanted to enjoy what I was enjoying. Not sure if they wanted to duplicate the go-cart style fruit bouquet or they just wanted to eat them, but either way, lots of people asked me where they could find the oranges. I was more than happy to help them find their way to the oranges as I was clearly the fruit salesman for the day.
people 3: these people were the judgmental people. There were less of these people, but there were a few. These people came up to me and said "Are you seriously buying all these oranges all for yourself? No wonder I couldn't find them." then they would walk around the corner and comment "are you serious? thanks for saving some for the rest of us!" I could have helped them too, but I figured they weren't ready for the orange goodness. I also could have shamed them by informing them that I would not be enjoying any of these 243lbs of oranges, but rather they were for the less fortunate...but I just felt sad for them. NO ORANGES FOR YOU!
I thought it was funny that I found such different reactions to my situation. I really enjoyed seeing how people react so differently to what they perceived was going on. It's just like life...
How do you react to life?
...Do you face it with jokes and humor?
...Do you have the courage to ask others when you have questions or need directions?
...Do you judge people at their outward appearance and assume the worse?
My advice for the day would be: When life gives you oranges, assume the best, not every one is as rotten is you!
...just kidding, but seriously. Enough people are grumpy around this time of the year. I'm not perfect. I do however want everyone to enjoy oranges. I do want everyone to enjoy life. I'm going to go ahead and assume that God also wants us to enjoy both of those things as well.